Truly Understand your Sitecore Visitor Data
It's your data, why not use it? Wouldn't it be nice to drill down to the actual users visiting as the result of a campaign? Now you can...
Turn Your Data Into Actions!
Seamlessly connect Microsoft’s PowerBI to your Sitecore Experience data allowing you to fluidly explore visitor data. Layer One’s Sitecore PowerBI connector gives you access to the following Experience Database (xDB) entities:
Complete the form below and we'll email you more information on how you can download and install our Sitecore Power BI Connector
Do Even More!
In addition to just simple access to these entities, Layer One has built this connector in such a way that the relationships between each entity is known and navigable. That is, want to see the pages viewed during a specific visit? Simply click through to the data. Interested in who the visitors were (assuming known contacts)? Simply click into the visitor detail. This is all accomplished using a Sitecore package that installs a secure API and the PowerBI (desktop) report containing example reports and custom functionality. Some of these custom functions include:
- Drill through to contact details
- Limited data retrieval (last N days)
- Secure access with readonly data
- Automatic retrieval of multiple pages of data
- Conversion of Sitecore ID’s into names
- Parameters allow for additional OData fields
Visit & Contact Dashboard
This basic visit dashboard replicates the Sitecore Experience Analytics dashboard but adds additional capabilities including:
- Unique contact count
- Drill down, up and through
The campaigns dashboard gives you day-by-day understanding pageviews resulting from campaign activity. Features include:
- Page view counts by campaign
- Drill down, up by date
- Drill through to contact details or pages
The channels dashboard gives you day-by-day understanding of where your visitors are coming from. Features include:
- Visit counts by channel
- Drill down, up by date
- Drill through to contact details
Visits by Location
One of the many ways our tool shows visit information is by location. Location features include:
- Top visits by country
- Drill down, up by date
- Drill through to contact details or pages
Drill Through
The majority of the charts in the connector allow you to drill through to details about the event. This may include:
- Pages viewed
- An actual list of contacts
- IP and Location information
Detail Listings
At the detail level, information is presented in tables.